Here's a bit of history for all of you about Alexander Kirichenko. The articles below explain this photo of Alexander holding half of his handlebars...yikes!!
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Информация о причинах поломки руля Тахион на велосипеде Александра Кириченко на Чемпионате Мира 1989 г. (Лион, Франция)
На одной из тренировок перед чемпионатом СССР (на котором проводился отбор на ЧМ) Александр Кириченко, выполняя ускорение с виража, упал в районе 200-метровой отметки. При падении удар пришелся в руль. Осмотр велосипеда Cinelli показал: деформацию трубы руля в месте ее входа в усилитель (материал – алюминиевый сплав); трещину в месте присоединения кронштейна крепления руля к коронке вилки (материал – сталь).
Представители ЦКТБ, которые присутствовали на этой тренировке, предложили Кириченко сразу заменить руль. Но Александр от предложения отказался, мотивируя это тем, что руль выправят, и что он привык к этой конфигурации руля. На следующий день тренер Б. Васильев проконсультировался с представителями ЦКТБ о способе починки крепления руля. Было рекомендовано крепление на коронке вилки выпрямить, а трещину заварить. Это было выполнено и затем, по просьбе Васильева, крепление было приведено представителями ЦКТБ в надлежащий вид. Еще через день Кириченко сообщил, что А. Сенцовский (механик сборной команды СССР) руль выпрямил.
Представители ЦКТБ предупредили Кириченко, что с рулем из алюминия так поступать нельзя и его лучше заменить, но Кириченко продолжил проводить на нем тренировки. Далее, используя этот руль, Кириченко выиграл Чемпионат СССР; провел серию тренировок к ЧМ, в которые входили и старты с места, т.е. руль постоянно испытывал максимальные нагрузки.
Из этого можно сделать вывод, что в произошедшей поломке ни сам руль, ни его конструкция, ни его изготовители не виноваты.
Information on the causes of the Takhion handlebar failure on Alexander Kirichenko's bicycle at the World Championship in 1989 (Lyon, France)
At one of the training runs before the championship of the USSR (from which riders were selected for the World Championship) Alexander Kirichenko fell near the 200 meter mark when accelerating out of a bend. During the fall the energy of the impact was transferred into the handlebars. The inspection of the Cinelli bicycle showed the following: deformation of the handlebar tube at the point of its entry into the joint (welded with aluminum); a crack at the point of attachment to the mounting bracket steering fork crown (made out of steel).
CDTA representatives present at this training event recommended immediate handlebar replacement to Mr. Kirichenko. Alexander declined the recommendation, reasoning that the handlebars will be straightened and that he is used to this configuration of the bars. The next day, coach Boris Vasilyev consulted with representatives of CDTA on fixing the handlebar mounting. It was recommended to straighten the handlebar mounting attachment point and weld the crack. This was done and by request of Vasily, the repair was taken to representatives of CDTA for their approval. In another day Kirichenko reported that mechanic A. Sentsovsky (USSR team mechanic) had straightened the handlebars.
Representatives of CDTA warned Kirichenko that an aluminum handlebar assembly can not be repaired in this way, and it is best to replace it. Kirichenko continued to conduct training on it. Using this handlebar assembly, Kirichenko won the Championship of the USSR, and conducted a series of training sessions for the World Championship, part of which included starts from a stopped position (during which the handlebars experience continued maximum application of tension load)
This information is the basis for the conclusion that the eventual failure of the handlebars can not be attributed to the handlebars themselves, or their proprietary design and construction, or their manufacturer.
CDTA representatives present at this training event recommended immediate handlebar replacement to Mr. Kirichenko. Alexander declined the recommendation, reasoning that the handlebars will be straightened and that he is used to this configuration of the bars. The next day, coach Boris Vasilyev consulted with representatives of CDTA on fixing the handlebar mounting. It was recommended to straighten the handlebar mounting attachment point and weld the crack. This was done and by request of Vasily, the repair was taken to representatives of CDTA for their approval. In another day Kirichenko reported that mechanic A. Sentsovsky (USSR team mechanic) had straightened the handlebars.
Representatives of CDTA warned Kirichenko that an aluminum handlebar assembly can not be repaired in this way, and it is best to replace it. Kirichenko continued to conduct training on it. Using this handlebar assembly, Kirichenko won the Championship of the USSR, and conducted a series of training sessions for the World Championship, part of which included starts from a stopped position (during which the handlebars experience continued maximum application of tension load)
This information is the basis for the conclusion that the eventual failure of the handlebars can not be attributed to the handlebars themselves, or their proprietary design and construction, or their manufacturer.
Вопрос: Александр, кто все-таки виноват в лионской драме?
А. К.: Во многом - я сам. Не настоял вовремя, чтобы сменили руль, который уже с лихвой отработал свое. Он сослужил мне отличную службу: на этой машине я стал чемпионом страны, зимним и летним, обладателем Кубка СССР, победил в «Большом призе Тулы», выиграл соревнования на призы. Аэрофлота, завоевал «золото» Игр-88 в Сеуле и, наконец, побил мировой рекорд, к которому, девять-лет никто не мог подступиться. Но... Во-первых, не было руля такой формы, которая бы меня устраивала, да и менять что-либо в столь счастливой машине накануне чемпионата мира не хотелось. Помните? «Коней на переправе не меняют!».
Но к «Тахиону», изготовившему когда-то этот руль, претензий у меня нет. Только благодарность.
From the newspaper "Soviet Sport", № 287, December 16, 1989
Question: Alexander, who is still to blame for the Lyon drama?
A. K. In many ways - myself. I did not insist in time that the handlebars be swapped out, and they had exceeded their lifespan. They served me well: on them I became the national champion (winter and summer), the owner of the USSR Cup, winner of the Grand Prix of Tula, won victories for prizes of Aeroflot, conquered the gold in the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, and finally broke the world record, to which no one had come close to for nine years...but, first of all, there were no type of handlebars that pleased me and I did not want to be swapping anything on such a fortuitous machine on the eve of the world championship. Remember the saying? "While crossing a fast river, the wise don't swap horses."
Additionally I have no complaints to Takhion, whom built the handlebars, only gratitude.
I hope you found this as fascinating as I did!! Thank you for sharing, Vadim!
(Please pardon any translation errors - I had help but also attempted some of this myself, and I very well may have borked some of the translations!)
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